Friday, 12 December 2014

Common Alley

I have never seen him and he hasn’t seen me either, nevertheless I have to listen to him singing almost every week for the past couple of months. I have named him ‘’the itinerary preacher form the abyss of the metaphysics of oppression”! Quite a name, I know! So much I know of him that he is not exactly a strolling minstrel, but more like an auguring self-appointed oracle whom I have to sit through on my weekends. Believe it or not but he sings ‘’beliefe’’ and shouts out “dogmas” in the streets for a living which apparently here is a fairly profitable profession.  

I ask myself: ‘’Do I have to listen?’’ then I immediately respond to my myself: ‘’Well no! You are free to leave’’, and I do. I leave the room and strut over to the living room, but there he is again! I can hear him everywhere I go. Curiously enough I realized that despite the worlds of difference that existed in our philosophical points of view i.e. our epistemological viewpoints, our bodies from the perspective of their physical and ontological statues are virtually contiguous! Let’s put more simply: we think differently but we occupy neighboring locations. “What a queer paradox” I protest. ‘’Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to match the ontology of the world with our epistemology?” I ask. Absurdity of the question even stuns me so after deciding to let the question go unanswered I take out my recording device and start recording the man from the other side, the preacher. As I am recording and listening to him, I murmur to myself: ‘’Why are picking on him? He is not doing something wrong. It is after all a common space, a shared alley and there are no rules as to what are to be done in such a place. He is just utilizing an otherwise useless space!!!!”

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